We had a great evening on Wednesday night with Krissy Nicholson, the
author of “Tsunami and the Single Girl”. I hadn’t thought of the significance of the date, 11 September, until Krissy started her talk and connected the fact that we all knew what happened on September 11 2001 and the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York, but we didn’t know what happened on other dates over the years because these disasters were not in the Western world. Something to think about indeed.
She then talked eloquently about her experiences working in Sri Lanka after the boxing day tsunami of 2004, Pakistan, Uganda, and Papua New Guinea, and the challenges of cultural differences and attitudes. A lighter note was introduced with her funny stories of some of the romances she had along the way.
We also had an unexpected visitor – a beautiful 7 week old puppy about to go into training as a seeing eye dog. You might be able to spot it in the photo at the bottom of the page towards the back.
My thanks to Krissy, our customers that came and Krissy’s family who made it such an enjoyable evening.